Camera Ready Preparation
Formatting your Paper
Your final papers MUST be formatted to IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscript Formatting Guidelines, and meet the following requirements:
1. Please make sure the title and the author list are exactly the same as the CMT3 registration.
2. Please proofread your paper to revise the typos and grammatical mistakes.
3. The paper is limited to 8 pages.
4. The paper MUST use the IEEE Latex template or Word template which can be found at .
5. Please remove the header (页眉) and footer (页脚,脚注可以保留).
6. Please remove the page number.
7. Please remove the transaction-style author bios.
PDF eXpress Online File Conversion/PDF Validation Tool
- Optimized,
- Acrobat 5.0 compatibility,
- ALL graphics at least 300 dpi resolution (higher if preferred),
- ALL fonts MUST be embedded and subset,
- Postscript settings DO NOT override distiller settings,
- Page size is 612.0 x 792.0 points (8.5" x 11").
- Postscript
- Microsoft Word
- Freelance
- PageMaker
- FrameMaker
- Word Pro
- WordPerfect
- QuarkXpress*
- Rich Text Format
- (La)TeX (DVI and all support files required)*
- The site contains extensive instructions, resources, and helpful hints.
- Through your PDF eXpress account, you may submit your source application files for conversion to PDF, and/or submit PDFs for checking.
- You will have the opportunity to revise your submission if you are not satisfied with the PDF that PDF eXpress creates for you, or if the system finds problems with your paper, or if your PDF fails the PDF Check.
- Technical support via email and telephone is available if you experience trouble in creating your PDF.
- If there is a problem with your file, you will receive an e-mail detailing the problem(s). Otherwise the system will e-mail you a copy of your IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF file.
Important Notice
- If your submission passes the check from eXpress, it will send you the TRANSFORMED VERSION of your submission through email. This file is NOT the same file as the file generated locally.
- eXpress just checks the format of the submission. It is NOT the final submission entry.
- Please keep this file, and submit it to the final submission entry which will be released soon.
- ONLY the transformed version can be submitted to the final submission entry.