The 9th International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (IEEE DSC 2024) is scheduled to take place in Jinan, China, from August 23-26, 2024. Sponsored by IEEE and organized by Qilu University of Technology, the conference serves as a premier platform highlighting the growing importance of data science across various cyberspace applications. Recognized for its interdisciplinary approach, IEEE DSC 2024 aims to delve into the pivotal role of data science within cyberspace development, marking it as a leading and appealing event on the international conference circuit.
The 9th IEEE International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (IEEE DSC 2024) will bring together researchers and practitioners in the field of data science. IEEE DSC 2024 invites submissions on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to the following areas:
1. Data science
2. Big data, cloud computing
3. Typical applications in cyberspace
4. New technologies in cyberspace
5. Data mining, Knowledge discovery
6. Information retrieval, intelligent search
7. Artificial intelligence
8. Cyberspace Security
9. Network intelligence
10. Privacy protection
- Artificial Intelligence Security (AIS 2024)
- Big Data and Business Analytics (BDBA 2024)
- Data Security for Heterogeneous Environments (DASHE 2024)
- Data Governance and its Applications in Cyberspace (DGAC 2024)
- Data Security and Privacy (DSP 2024)
- 16th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology, Applications and Tools (FITAT 2024)
- Graph Representation Learning and its Applications (GRLA 2024)
- Reliable Machine Learning and AI: Privacy, Security, Trustworthy, Fairness (PSTF-AI 2024)
- Industrial Control System Security (ICS 2024)
- Multi-dimensional Data Association and inTelligent Analysis (MDATA 2024)
All submissions should be written in English and submitted via our submission system. A
paper submitted to IEEE DSC 2024 cannot be under review for any other conference or journal during the
entire period that it is considered for IEEE DSC 2024, and must be substantially different from any
previously published work. Submissions are reviewed in a single-blind manner.
Please note that all submissions must strictly adhere to the IEEE templates as provided
below. The templates also act as a guideline regarding formatting. In particular, all submissions must
use either the LATEXtemplate or the MS-Word template. Please follow exactly the instructions below to
ensure that your submission can ultimately be included in the proceedings.
Using these templates is strongly advised to all authors submitting a paper for reviewing
and mandatory for those uploading the camera-ready version of their papers. Failure to produce correctly
formatted camera-ready submissions may result in the paper’s exclusion from the Proceedings.

If the URLs of the templates are invalid, please find the substitutes on
Accepted and presented papers of IEEE DSC 2024 will be published in the IEEE DSC 2024 conference
proceedings and submitted to both EI Compendex and IEEE Xplore®. Best papers from the conference
proceedings will be selected by the board for follow-up fast-tracked journal publication in some
well-known SCI-indexed journals. Follow-up work is required based on each journal’s policy.
Acceptance notification: July 1, 2024
Camera-ready copy: August 1, 2024
Conference Date: August 23-26, 2024
In addition to technical contributions, IEEE DSC 2024 invites proposals for panels, workshops,
tutorials, industry presentations. For workshops, DSC will provide administrative support for workshop
room booking, registration.