Accepted Papers List

Sub Num Title
2  Email Authentication using Bockchain
3  Channel-TransCNN: An Intrusion Detection System based on Fusion CNN Channel Attention in a CNN-Transformer Hybrid Network
5  Research on Stochastic Feature Selection Optimization Algorithm Fusing Symmetric Uncertainty
6  Emotion Detection through Facial recognition
7  Modification Method for Internal Network Flow Anomaly Detection Based on Multi-timescale Analysis
9  Risk Analysis and Protection Suggestions for Artificial Intelligence Data Security
11  An automated construction method for symmetric encryption round function models based on dynamic analysis
12  An Encryption Algorithm Cycle Identification Method Based on Bit Execution
13  StanceDigger: Achieving Efficient Text Stance Detection with Collaborative Attention and Consistent Learning
16  Reliability Measurement Of Vehicle Sensor Data Based On Historical Perception
17  An Abnormal Behavior Detection Method Based on User Behavior Correlation Feature Sequence Modeling
20  A Short-Term Electric Load Forecasting Method Based on the Fusion of Global and Local Features
21  SDCRT: An Anonymous Communication Network Routing Algorithm Based on SDN Architecture
22  Secure Two-party Newton Interpolation
23  Bias Manipulation Attack of Federated Recommendation System
24  A Method for Generating Medical Text Data by Integrating Spatiotemporal Attributes and Implicit State Transitions
25  Identifying Data Breaches in Dark Web through Prompt Active Learning
26  Trapping resource orchestration scheme based on electric power environment
27  An Identity-Based Deniable Ring Signature Scheme Based on SM9 Signature Algorithm
28  Visible Light Positioning Method for Indoor Line-of-Sight Scene Based on Time Series Coding
29  Research on automobile data security risk analysis based on TARA method
31  Optimization Design of Network Attack and Defense Scenarios in Intelligent Clusters
32  Spherical Hierarchical Knowledge Graph Embeddings for Cybersecurity Knowledge Graph Completion
34  A Perturbation-Based Privacy Leakage Defense Method for Federal Learning
35  An Aggregation Procedure Optimization Method by Leveraging Neighboring Prompt for GCN-based Knowledge Graph Completion Model
36  P-meta: Prioritizing Test Inputs via Metamorphic Testing
37  SEAD: Self-aware Adversarial Detection for Black-box Reinforcement Learning
40  An Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Load Monitoring and Billing Scheme in Smart Grid
41  Decode the Dark Side of the Language: Applications of LLMs in the Dark Web
43  A novel method of cybersecurity knowledge graph construction and storage optimization based on cyber range
45  Enhancing Adversarial Robustness: A Novel Bayesian Uncertainty-Based Ensemble Learning Method
48  Text Information Mining in Cyberspace: An Information Extraction Method Based on T5 and KeyBERT
49  NEF-GGCN: Node-Edge Fusion Gated Graph Convolutional Networks For Skeleton-based Medical Action Recognition
50  An Intelligent Retrieval System for Similar Information System Vulnerabilities Based on Knowledge Graph
54  Causal Attention Group Recommendation Integrating Social Information
55  Smart Grid Attack Region Partitioning Strategy Based on Node Importance
56  Aligning Users across Social Networks Based on Hypergraph Embedding
58  Automatic Classification Based on the LSTM-SiTGRU Model for Plaintext and Ciphertext
59  Anonymous Smart Grid System Based on Revocable Ring Signatures
60  Networked Vehicle Practices Based on Networked Firing Ranges
62  Research on fault early warning of industrial control system based on TCN-MKELM
64  Bibliometric Analysis of Large Language Model Artificial Intelligence Based on Knowledge Graphs
65  An Input-Agnostic Hierarchical Deep Learning Model for Traffic Fingerprinting Based on Flow Serialization
67  Visual malware classification and detection method based on convolutional neural network
68  Research on liquid crystal display technology based on regional dynamic dimming algorithm
69  Ultra-high deffnition video quality assessment method based on deep learning
71  Incorporate Data Elements into the Digital Evaluation System of the NewEra
72  Towards Blockchain Services Marketplace for More Efficient Blockchain Development
73  Cyber-Range: the Scientific Infrastructure for Cyberspace Security Research
74  Hate Speech Detection in Network Perception Constrained Scenarios
75  LLM & Bagging for 1-shot Joint IE
77  Research on entity extrection method for rehabilitation medicine knowledge management
78  An Early Detection Model of Prostate Cancer Based on MRI
79  Exploration Study about the Effect of Mask Templates in Automated Program Repair
80  Time Series Anomaly Detection Based on Normalized Flow and Bayesian Networks
81  A Framework for Vietnamese Question-Answering in Law Domain
82  HGNNDroid: Android Malware Detection Based on Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network
84  CyGPT: Knowledge Graph-Based Enhancement Techniques for Large Language Models in Cybersecurity
86  Encrypted Malicious Traffic Detection Based on Sample Selection Optimization and Data Augmentation
88  SLX:A Multi-class Network Intrusion Detection Method on Stacking Boosting Algorithm
89  Multiple Knowledge Graphs Semantic Interaction based on Graph Embedding and Matching Processing
90  CloudNet:Building a Data-Plane for Anonymous Communication Networks Based on Cloud Services
91  Conduit: An IPFS-based Hidden Access Channel for Mix-net
92  Knowledge Points Semantic Classification Method based on Graph Embedding over Co-word Networks
93  CIL4EMTD: A Novel Class Incremental Learning Method for Encrypted Malware Traffic Detection
94  Research on Intrusion Detection of Industrial Control System Based on Adversarial Machine Learning
95  Reputation based Adaptive Federated Learning in Medical Scenarios
96  Weapon Target Assignment Based on Deep Q-learning
98  ST-LadderNet: Spatial-Temporal Correlation Stepply Enhanced Deep Learning Model for Urban Traffic Predicting
99  Leveraging LLM based Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Legal Knowledge Graph Completion
101  Source localization based on community partition in early time
103  Deep Learning-based Mortality Prediction of COVID-19 Patients with Cardiovascular Disease
104  Multi-Behavior Hypergraph Contrastive-Enhanced Transformer for Recommender Systems
105  The Ecological and Financial Impact Study of Electric Bus Transition
106  A Novel Method for Honeypot Anti-Identification against Modbus Fuzz Testing in Industrial Control Systems
107  Learning to Distinguish Entities Overlapping for Open Relation Extraction
108  Risk Modeling and Traceability of Boundary Attacks on Internet of Power Systems Based on Complex Networks
109  Node Fragility Reward Shaping Based on Reinforcement Learning in Intranet Penetration Scenario
110  Knowledge Graph Construction in the Context of Traditional Chinese Medicine: A review
112  Infringement Detection and Traceability Scheme Based on Ciphertext Feature Extraction
137  Continuous Verification of Catastrophic Recalling in Machine Unlearning via Adversarial Testing
154  Solution for prediction of customer behavior in call center systems
155  A model for evaluating a digital transformation of rural areas of Mongolia
168  Fairness of Large Music Models: From a Culturally Diverse Perspective
173  Research on the Distribution Characteristics of Standardized Big Data Resources Based on Data Visualization——Taking Standardization Practice in Shandong Province as an Example
177   A prognostic model based on five characteristic genes to predict the prognosis of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.
178   Single-cell RNA sequencing analysis reveals transcriptional dynamics of immune cells during ovarian cancer metastasis
179   Generation of Synthetic Data for Sharing and Utilization in HealthCare Data
181  Security and Privacy of Artificial Intelligence with Ethical Concerns
182  Government data governance in the context of artificial intelligence
188  Vehicle Network Intrusion Detection Based on K-nearest Neighbor Variational Autoencoder Using Contrastive Learning
190  INN-based Robust JPEG Steganography Through Cover Coefficient Selection
191  Research on the Design of Government Data Governance Evaluation System under the Perspective of Digital Government
193  Deciphering Myopia: Insights From Single-Cell Data and Machine Learning Approaches
197  Research on the construction of Industrial Internet security model based on PetriNet
198  Digital Contracts: A Sustainable and Secure Solution for Modern Businesses - A Case Study of in Mongolia
205  Data Augmentation Based on Word Importance and Deep Back-Translation for Low-Resource Biomedical Named Entity Recognition
219  A new approach for non-contact, automated measurement of respiration rate using structured light
232  Demand Response Scheme: Achieving Sustainability in Distributed Data Processing
236  Improving Skin Lesion Classification based on Fusion Multi-Learning Models
240  LocatingGPT: A multi-modal document retrieval method based on retrieval-augmented generation
243  Dynamic detection technology of encryption algorithm based on Pin
253  Managing concurrent course selection requests in a web-based university management system
260  Implementing Unified Identity and Access Management System: Case Study for the National University of Mongolia
263  Enhancing IoT Security Using Convolutional Neural Network Model
265  Unleashing the Potential of Decentralized Federated Learning in Healthcare: A Comprehensive Survey on Insights and Challenges
266  Feature Aggregation Network for Memory-Based Industrial Anomaly Detection
268  A Relation Semantic Enhancement Method for Large Language Model Based Knowledge Graph Completion
269  Enhancing CLAHE with Interval-Valued Fermatean Fuzziness for Robust Low-Light Image Enhancement
270  Research on Classification Requirements and Technology of Cross-border Data in Free Trade Ports
271  Cultural Heritage Education in the Metaverse
272  A Universal Semantic-Based Method for Backdoor Attack
293  Lightweight Malicious Encrypted Traffic Detection Method Based on KL Image Compression
347  Multi-agent Assignment via Growth Assignment Algorithms
361  Defense Against Graph Injection Attack in Graph Neural Networks
362  Research on Key Technologies of Intelligent Management Platform for Medical Care Objects Based on Internet of Things and Digital Twins
363 Online Health Information Adoption Behavior of Chronic Disease Patients
364  Contrastive Learning for Chest X-ray Classification: A Fusion of Topological Data Analysis and ResNet
365  Knowledge Base-Guided Modeling of ICS Device Behavior for Status Prediction
369  A Time-tightly Coupled UAV Control Scheduling Scheme
370  Building an autonomous driving platform based on ROS and its safety analysis
371  Analysis of Big Data Research Hotspots Based on Keyword Co-occurrence