
1. Author Registration

Type Rate
Full Registration $765 or CNY 5500

2. Non Author Advance Registration

Type Rate
IEEE Member Registration (conference & workshop) $385 or CNY 3500
Non IEEE Member Registration(conference & workshop) $555 or CNY 4000
Student IEEE Member Registration(conference & workshop) $345 or CNY 2500
Student Non IEEE Member Registration(conference & workshop) $415 or CNY 3000

Bank Account Transfer


  1. If it is the main conference Main Paper, please specify when paying the registration fee: Main+Paper ID+ author name.
  2. If it is a workshop paper, please specify when paying the registration fee: workshop name+Paper ID+author name.
  3. If it is only for participants to register, please indicate when paying the registration fee: name.
Details TBA.

RMB account:

  • 收款账号名称:山东怡美世嘉广告文化传播有限公司
  • 开户银行:齐鲁银行济南阳光舜城支行
  • 银行账户:86611602101421005303


    如果是主会论文请加备注:DSC2024 +您论文编号ID + 发票抬头 + 您的姓名
     如果是Workshop论文请加备注:DSC2024 + 您workshop的缩写名 + 您论文编号ID + 发票抬头 + 您的姓名
    非作者参会注册请加备注:DSC2024 + 您workshop的缩写名 + 发票抬头 + 您的姓名+参会


  • 文章的ID(Workshop文章请以邮件通知中的ID为准)
  • 您的姓名
  • 如果是IEEE会员方式付款,请注明IEEE会员的Member/Customer Number (打开;登录后在页面右上角点击自己的姓名,将进入个人账户界面;点击"Manage personal profile"后可以看到Member/Customer Number)
  • 汇款记录扫描件
  • 说明开发票的要求:单位抬头、单位税号、发票类型(普票或专票)

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