Camera Ready Preparation


At this time, we kindly ask you to register ( and submit your camera-ready through the system in your Author Center. Please make sure your final package is correct and complete upon submission. If you are author outside China and need to regsiter without using Chinese Yuan, please contact any track chair for assistance. Once you have completed the submission of your final files you will not be able to make changes before you have received your page proofs.

All final submission files should be uploaded under the file designation "Camera-ready files." You may not make any unauthorized changes to your manuscript at this time. We will perform a comparison of your accepted paper to your final submission, and any changes outside of what the editor has requested will need to be justified and approved before publication, causing delays. This includes any changes to the author list, content, or references.

  Your final papers MUST be formatted to IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscript Formatting Guidelines, and meet the following requirements:

  1. Please make sure the title and the author list are exactly the same as the CMT3 registration.
  2. Please proofread your paper to revise the typos and grammatical mistakes.
  3. The paper MUST use the IEEE Latex template or Word template which can be found at Paper formatting must satisfy:
    • The paper is limited to 8 pages.
    • Remove the header and footer.
    • Remove the page number.
    • Please remove the transaction-style author bios.
  4. Generate the camera-ready version paper, which is an IEEE Xplore-Compatible PDF for your paper (see the detailed instructions below).
  5. Go to the IEEE DSC 2024 submission system, and then use your old account for the review process to submit the camera-ready version. For each accepted paper, click "Create Camera Ready Submission" and upload the camera-ready version (generated in the previous step).

    (1)Click "Create Camera Ready Submission"

    (2)Upload the camera-ready version

Note: At least one author should register to the conference. At least one author of an accepted paper is expected to register at the full rate of the conference. Every paper must be presented by an author at the conference, in order for the paper to appear in the conference proceedings and be submitted to the IEEE digital library. Please see the detailed policy below.

Generating IEEE Xplore-Compatible PDF

Please generate an IEEE Xplore-Compatible PDF using your manuscript source files (e.g. Microsoft Word, LaTeX DVI and EPS files). To verify whether your final manuscript PDF is compatible to IEEE Xplore. To access IEEE PDF eXpress:

  1. To generate an IEEE Xplore-Compatible PDF using your manuscript source files (e.g. Microsoft Word, LaTeX DVI and EPS files).
  2. To verify whether your final manuscript PDF is compatible to IEEE Xplore.

To access IEEE PDF eXpress:

  1. Go to
  2. click "create account", if you do not have an account
  3. Enter Conference ID: 63484X
  4. Enter your email address, Choose a password, Continue to enter information as prompted (You will receive an email confirming the successful creation of your account).
  5. Upload either your source file or PDF file for Conversion; and/or PDF Checking.
  6. Use PDF eXpress to obtain an IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF file.
    • The site contains extensive instructions, resources, and helpful hints.
    • Through your PDF eXpress account, you may submit your source application files for conversion to PDF, and/or submit PDFs for checking.
    • You will have the opportunity to revise your submission if you are not satisfied with the PDF that PDF eXpress creates for you, or if the system finds problems with your paper, or if your PDF fails the PDF Check.
    • Technical support via email and telephone is available if you experience trouble in creating your PDF.
    • If there is a problem with your file, you will receive an e-mail detailing the problem(s). Otherwise the system will e-mail you a copy of your IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF file.

* For documents created in formats that do not embed source files, include all support files with the final manuscript in a compressed archive for submission. If it is possible to embed images in the source document, you should do so to avoid potential issues, such as missing graphics.

Please refer to the conference system for more information. If you have any questions, feel free to email us.
